Seminario IDEIR "The Law and Practice of EU Border Controls" (10 octubre 2024)

Fecha: 10 octubre 2024, 10:00-12:00 h

Lugar: Instituto de Derecho Europeo e Integración Regional (IDEIR) Despacho 036

Formato exclusivamente presencial 

Entrada Libre hasta completar aforo

Seminario IDEIR The Law and Practice of EU Border Controls. A Structured Network of Principles to Manage a Heterogeneous Legal Framework

Por Leandro Mancano Senior Lecturer in European Union Law. Director of Internationalisation Edinburgh School of Law

The law of EU 'border controls', as defined in the Schengen Borders Code, is  inherently heterogeneous: it entrusts multiple levels of governance to pursue different objectives, addresses different types of 'control subjects' on the basis of several sources of (soft and hard) law.

The presentation sets out the core concepts underlying this research and discusses some of the overarching themes characterising bordercontrols at the external and internal frontiers of the EU.